GENCI (Grand Equipement National de Calcul Intensif) is a very large IR*-class research infrastructure. It is a public operator created in 2007 to democratize the use of digital simulation through high-performance computing, associated today with the use of artificial intelligence and soon with prototype quantum computing devices. As a technological partner of Democratic Commons programme, aligned to their CLUSSTER project (Sovereign Cloud for AI), Genci offers access to its computing resources, support and expertise in ressources optimization use, and help in disseminating corrected LLM.
The Aspen Institute is a global nonprofit organization committed to realizing a free, just, and equitable society. Founded in 1949, the Institute drives change through dialogue, leadership, and action to help solve the most important challenges facing the United States and the world.As a strategic partner, the Aspen Institute assists in the fine-tuning of Democratic Principles and of the characterization of the Democratic Biases, specifically to ensure their compatibility with the US context, and aiding in the dissemination of bias-corrected LLM.
Hugging Face is a global hub for open-source AI, specializing in training, fine-tuning, and distributing LLMs and learning databases. It aims at democratizing good machine learning. As Democratic Commons programme technological partner, Hugging Face provides assistance in refining LLM, developing LLM evaluation tools, and spreading corrected LLMs worldwide on their platform. is a start-up which mission is to build, commercialize, and open source components and tools that make it easy for developers and users to deploy AI in a trustworthy way to solve real-world use cases. As Democratic Commons strategic partner, Mozilla.AI will help fine-tuning LLM based on evaluation models, ensure transparency of AI processes, and support the  spreading of corrected LLM.
Project Liberty is stitching together an ecosystem of technologists, academics, policymakers and citizens committed to building a better internet. Through research conducted by Sciences Po in partnership with Georgetown University in the US, the Project Liberty’s Institute aims to identify solutions for building a civic and equitable technological infrastructure for all, along with new governance models. As an academic partner, Project Liberty contributes to the Democratic Commons programme by assisting with ethical governance and international anchoring of the academic commons, as well as the spreading of corrected LLM.
The AI & Society Institute (ENS-PSL) is dedicated to promoting the responsible development and use of AI by exploring its interactions with society. The Institute is guided by a committee co-chaired by Anne Bouverot (Chair of the Abeona Foundation and ENS) and Marc Mézard (Professor at Bocconi University). This committee brings together internationally recognized experts in artificial intelligence and its societal implications.