Participatory democracy can respond to current challenges

Participatory democracy can respond to current challenges

Share this article’s approach helps to identify citizens' priorities, while empowering everybody to act for the common good.

In the current context, many people are looking to citizen participation to revitalise our democracies. But how can we ensure that participatory democracy can answer current challenges?

At, a neutral and independent citizens' platform, we have developed a methodology and tools for involving thousands of citizens on a massive scale in issues of general interest. The latest citizens' consultations we have conducted show not only a high level of participation, but also a willingness to propose solutions and act concretely. 

These open consultations enable us to highlight priorities that are as close as possible to people's concerns, on important subjects that are nonetheless under-represented in the public debates: local trade, waste management, health in rural areas, etc.

The feeling of "permanent democracy”

Participatory democracy can renew the link between local residents and public policy. Policies in favour of young people, the environment, employment... can today be conducted hand in hand, for example, with 50,000 inhabitants of a region.

In this way, participatory democracy can give every citizen the ability to act on the common good, to rebuild the feeling of "permanent democracy", with the possibility of being in contact with the "épreuves" of citizens, as Pierre Rosanvallon has theorised. This approach could become the foundation of a sustainable democracy that is more effective and more useful in everyday life.

By entrusting citizens with a greater role in the management of public policy, we will give them the feeling of once again having an impact, and through their involvement, the power to take concrete action on reality.

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