
Discover the final report of the EurHope initiative


Discover the final report of the EurHope initiative

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As the 2024 European elections are behind us, it is time to also close the EurHope initiative. To mark this occasion, and JEF Europe have published the final EurHope project report, reflecting on a year of youth activation leading up to the elections in June 2024.

The 2024 European elections were marked a further increase in EU-participation compared to the previous years: 51.07% of eligible voters went to the ballot boxes.  The results are manifold and depend from country to country. Yet, while being united at the ballot offices, the elections show that there are many topics on which Europeans have different takes. The consensus on some topics and the division on others were the key findings highlighted by the EurHope consultation. It was conducted for six months in 2023 across all 27 member states, which united  more than 1.5 million votes and 5,000 proposals. Their votes helped shape the Agenda of Hope, 15 priorities unanimously supported by young Europeans. The EurHope final report revisits these results and recounts the journey of the initiative.

👉 Discover the final report of the EurHope initiative

Reflecting on the early days of the initiative, this report underscores the strong commitment of the EurHope coalition. By bringing together over 50 institutional, corporate, media, and civil society partners, we ensured that this coalition represents key stakeholders dedicated to democracy and the support of youth voices in European politics.

Reflecting on our activation efforts, the report provides a deep dive into the more than 100 events organised around the EurHope initiative.

A crucial aspect of the initiative was to empower young people. We wanted to inform them about the elections and help them to make informed decisions about their vote. To achieve this goal, we first gathered the position of a Youth Coalition, built around JEF Europe. Then, we collected the positions of European political parties on all 15 ideas outlined in the Agenda of Hope and published them on a dedicated platform:

Finally, the reports also provide insights into the consultation methodology, revisiting how we constructed the Agenda of Hope based on 5,000 proposals and 1.5 million votes.

👉 For a deeper understanding of the EurHope initiative, explore the final report here 

EurHope partners have their say

The final report was also the occasion to give the floor to EurHope partners, who reacted to the results: 

On Democracy & EU institutions:

Robert Schuman Foundation: “In Europe, where youth is often seen as less eager to engage in European debates and where there's concern about high abstention rates among young people in European elections, the results of the EurHope initiative might come as a surprise. European Youth has proved to be massively engaged in the debate and participants from all over Europe from diverse backgrounds have shared their proposals on how the European Union should move forward.”
Anna Renkamp and Andrey Demidov, Bertelsmann Stiftung:European youth demands institutional reforms for more democracy in the EU. In these dramatic times, young Europeans speak with one voice: for the EU to successfully confront the current ‘polycrisis’ it needs to reform. Democracy and EU institutions should be the center of reform effort in the future. The EU needs more citizen participation, greater transparency and more efficient institutions. These are the core findings of the unique Europe-wide participative initiative EurHope, supported by the Bertelsmann Stiftung.”

On Climate change & Environment: 

Philippe Blanchot, Director of institutional, international and European relations, Caisse des Depots Group: “The results of the Eurhope consultation have highlighted the importance of strengthening and developing the rail transport in this regard. Rail, by the solidarity it generates between the local, the regional, the national and the Continental levels, echoes Caisse des Dépôts Group raison d’être. As a public long-term investor, we have provided the financial resources and nurtured collaboration for the sustainable development and connection of all French territories for over two centuries.”

On Economy, Social Justice & Employment:

Accor Group:We believe in creating a supportive and rewarding work environment. From our inclusive company culture to our comprehensive perks and benefits, we ensure that our team members feel valued. Hospitality is not merely an industry—it represents boundless opportunity and a catalyst for transformative change. It is the chance to embark on a life-changing career. Accor, with our steadfast commitment to openness, equality, and social mobility, stands at the forefront of this movement, ensuring that every individual is given the chance to embark on a journey of profound personal and professional fulfilment.”


The EurHope initiative was made possible through the strong coalition we formed. This project brought together over 50 partners and engaged even more individuals who joined us in this ambitious endeavour to amplify the voices of young people across Europe.

We extend special thanks to the European Parliament and the European Commission, particularly Vice-President Dubravka Šuica, for her patronage and personal support of the project. Our gratitude also goes to the European Economic and Social Committee and its President, Oliver Röpke, for his personal commitment, as well as to the Committee of Regions.

We deeply appreciate the support from Accor, Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield, Caisse des Dépôts, Cityz Media, Mediatransports, Sitra, Bertelsmann Stiftung, the Franco-German Youth Office, Evens Foundation, European Cultural Foundation, Culture of Solidarity Fund, Allianz Foundation, Centro Studi Sul Federalismo, Toulouse Métropole, and Métropole Nice Côte d'Azur.

Additional thanks go to all our partners: CIVICO Europa, ARTE, Cap Gemini, France Inter, Ouest-France, Euractiv France, Euractiv Deutschland, Ville de Paris, the Federal German Agency for Civic Education (BPB), Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Association Civic Tech Europe (ACTE), Debating Europe, the European Association for Local Democracy (alda), Udruga mladih Mladi u EU, European Environmental Bureau, Europe Elects, Social Good Accelerator (SOGA), GROUPE SOS, Geremek Foundation, Citizens for Europe, A Voté, Décider ensemble, Fondation Robert Schuman, IAI - Istituto Affari Internazionali, Acjazzjoni Junsilli Lokali Malta, I Support Ukraine, Lota's Box, Mouvement Impact France, Oxygono, PDCS, Generation Climate Europe (GCE), EYP Sweden, Universidade de Coimbra, DYPALL Network, Pulse of Europe, Erasmus Student Network, VOICIFY - European Forum for Youth with Lived Migration Experiences, The Good Lobby, European Students' Union (ESU), European Capital of Democracy.

The EurHope project would not have been possible without the dedication of the and JEF Europe teams.