Democratic Shield

Election protection on the EU Agenda: the Democratic Shield Initiative

Democratic Shield

Election protection on the EU Agenda: the Democratic Shield Initiative

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In the run-up to the 2024 European elections,, alongside a Task Force of experts and civil society organisations, launched the Democratic Shield. The Shield initiative united a set of actions for institutions and civil society, aimed at safeguarding the integrity of the elections. Over the past few months, the Task Force has actively mobilised and engaged with the wider public and institutions to implement these measures, achieving significant successes in fortifying European democracy ahead of the European elections.
Setting the Stage: Op-Ed and Launch of the Democratic Shield

The Democratic Shield initiative was kickstarted with the publication of the Op-Ed “Raising the Democratic Shield” in Democracy Technologies, on 13 December 2023. This Op-Ed, co-signed by a group of democracy and AI experts, laid the groundwork for what was to follow.

In that context, the Democratic Shield was officially unveiled on 31 January 2024. It came with the introduction of pivotal measures aimed at fortifying democratic processes in the context of new technological challenges. 

The Democratic Shield Task Force
Raising Awareness: Media appearances

One of the main strategies employed by the Democratic Shield task force was to gather more support thanks to media coverage and events. We were able to make impactful presentations on BFM Business, Radio Classique, La Tribune and others. These appearances served to amplify the message of the Democratic Shield, reaching a wider audience and sparking meaningful conversations.

Advocating for Political Action 

The Democratic Shield greatly focused on the involvement of European institutions Given their authority to take substantive action to safeguard the elections, this connection was key. Recognizing this critical issue, the Task force took proactive steps by reaching out to key stakeholders within the European Parliament and the European Commission, as well as national actors that worked on matters related to the Democratic Shield. Through these interactions, the Task Force underscored the pressing urgency of the issue at hand, advocating for decisive measures to fortify European democracy. 

Bringing in a wider audience: Interactive Workshops

On March 4, 2024, had the honour of organising the first event of the European Civil Society Week 2024 in the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). We hosted an exchange on “Securing the ballot. Elections in times of AI and new technological changes” Additionally, the Democratic Shield took centre stage in a round table discussion titled "European Elections Amid Information Threats", hosted by Sopra Steria. 

Concluding our efforts, the Democratic Shield left a lasting impression at the European Parliament during the ACTE event themed "Safeguarding Elections in the Age of Artificial Intelligence." 

Our partners on the Task Force, EU Disinfo Lab, have been contributing to the collective efforts by organising a series of webinars addressing the issue of disinformation surrounding the European elections, such as, on February 20, 2024, a webinar on "Gendered Disinformation and the fight for democracy". 

Our advocacy for the Democratic Shield on such prestigious platforms reaffirmed our dedication to upholding democratic principles and fostering meaningful engagement among citizens and policymakers alike.


Additionally to active participation in numerous workshops, has contributed to the discourse on election security through a series of impactful publications, focusing on the Democratic Shield’s mission and successes. 

First, Alicia Combaz, CEO of, authored "The Democratic Shield: Safeguarding Democracy in the Age of AI" for the Progressive Post of FEPS (Foundation for European Progressive Studies). Meanwhile, Alexis Prokopiev, Director of the Governance and Democratic Innovation team, offered his take on “Avis d’ingérence. Nouvelles menaces sur les élections européennes” published in the review Esprit. Finally, Axel Dauchez, President and Hendrik Nahr, Head of European Affairs, contributed a report to Digital New Deal titled "Strengthening Pan-European Democracy in the Era of AI." These publications not only contribute to informed discourse but also inspire continued action towards the preservation of democracy across Europe.

Reflecting on 6 Months of Advocacy and Engagement : Achievements and Progress

Since December 2023, the Task Force has been advocating for European-level decision-making to safeguard the integrity of the European elections. We are now proud to witness the tangible outcomes of this advocacy, as it translates into meaningful action.

  • Idea n°1: European Council Agenda

The first idea of the Democratic Shield underscores the critical need for a strong and unified European commitment to electoral security, a responsibility which should be spearheaded by the Belgian Presidency of the Council of EU.

We were therefore delighted to see that, following the alert sounded by civil society organisations regarding the security of the upcoming elections, this concern was addressed during the Special meeting of the European Council, on April 17th and 18th. During the meeting, the EU’s commitment to closely monitoring and mitigating risks  associated with disinformation and foreign manipulation was reaffirmed. 

Encouragingly, swift action followed as, on April 24th, the Belgian Presidency took proactive steps on this matter by activating the Council's Integrated Political Crisis Response (IPCR) arrangements in information sharing mode. Through this commitment, the Presidency aims to enhance the exchange of vital information regarding foreign interference. 

  • Idea n°2: Reinforcement of the quiet period

The concept of reinforcing the quiet period has garnered significant interest both from the European Commission and the French government. 

In addition, we were delighted to note that the EU Commission issued the Guidelines for providers of VLOPs and VLOSEs on mitigating systemic risks for electoral processes. These guidelines closely align with the core priorities of the Democratic Shield, underscoring the significance and relevance of our collective efforts.

  • Idea n°3: Promotion of citizen consensus debates

The Democratic Shield's initiative to promote citizen consensus debates found expression by the EurHope initiative, led by and JEF Europe. This initiative exemplifies our commitment to fostering inclusive and participatory decision-making processes. As part of this initiative, we launched, an innovative, multilingual tool designed to inform citizens about the positions of European political parties on the youth priorities outlined in the Agenda of Hope. This platform serves as a crucial resource to combat disinformation and empower informed decision-making among young voters ahead of the EU elections. The EurHope initiative  culminated on May 8th during a final event hosted at the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). This gathering brought together candidates for the European elections, young citizens, and civil society organisations during an inclusive debate aimed at collaboratively shaping the future of Europe.

  • Idea n°4: Political Parties Code of Conduct

On April 9th, 2024, the Code of Conduct for Political Parties was signed by all European Political Parties, with International IDEA spearheading the effort. The Parties have committed to transparent and fair campaigning. Throughout, members of the Task Force were in close contact with the organisations driving this initiative. The Democratic Shield Provided relevant input, especially in light of elements that touch upon digital developments.

  • Idea n°5: Traditional Medias Code of Conduct

Reporters Without Borders, member of the Task force, has been at the forefront of advocating for trustworthy journalism and adherence to professional norms through the Journalism Trust Initiative.

In conclusion, we are proud to acknowledge the significant progress made through the relentless efforts of the Democratic Shield task force. Yet, additional institutional actions will be imperative to safeguard the integrity of the 2024 European elections. Our advocacy has yielded meaningful outcomes, but the work is far from over. 

It remains essential to address the growing concerns of foreign interference in democratic processes, especially emanating from organisations directly or indirectly linked to Russian and Chinese regimes. The recent establishment of a temporary crisis task force to combat Russian interference during the April EU Leaders Summit serves as a stark reminder that this issue persists and will continue to be relevant beyond the upcoming elections. We also welcome President Ursula Von der Leyen’s strong commitment to consider the establishment of a “European Democracy Shield” as her top priority. 

The journey ahead will demand unwavering dedication from all corners of civil society and institutions. In unity lies our strength: Let's stay committed to fortifying European democracy through ongoing dedication and collaborative efforts!