
EurHope: Empowering Youth and Safeguarding Democracy in the Digital Age


EurHope: Empowering Youth and Safeguarding Democracy in the Digital Age

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“A continent reconciled with nature and leading the way on new technologies. A continent that is united in freedom and peace. This is Europe’s moment to once again answer the call of history” Ursula Von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, declared during her 2023 state of the Union address. The described “moment to answer the call of history” is just around the corner: the upcoming elections for the next European Parliament represent a pivotal occasion, at a time when the risk of disinformation and the spread of fake news has never been so real.

Malicious content, as the 2023 Slovakian national election demonstrated, are manipulated audio and videos, used to discredit candidates, demobilise voters and deepen the lack of trust between them. On social media, on messaging apps, they can spread like wildfire - no matter if debunked or not. Thereby, trust in the electoral process erodes, evidence of external and internal information manipulation from European as well as non-EU actors arises. This development is fueled by the rise of increasingly realistic deep fakes poses a serious threat to democratic integrity. The creation of a “Democratic Shield” is crucial to counter these influences and safeguard democratic processes. 

We must ensure that citizens are actively engaged and well-informed in the democratic process - especially ahead of elections. By creating inclusive and informative digital spaces, participatory democratic initiatives have fostered a safe and secure online environment. With the help of civic tech, citizens can make better informed choices, rather than falling victim to misleading content and narratives.

With over 1,5 million votes gathered, and thanks to more than 50 partners, the EurHope consultation has succeeded in engaging young citizens on a massive scale in the 27 EU countries. and JEF Europe managed to set up this much needed safe, democratic and inclusive space for online constructive exchanges. The resulting Agenda of Hope, built by young EU citizens, covers various topics from climate change to social justice and from human rights to the EU's role in the world. It is now the ideal support for putting their priorities in the centre of the public debate in the frame of the European election campaign. 

To lead this Revolution of Hope, we have sought out the voices of those who live in Europe, those who believe in it, those who know it well; but also the voices, of those who distrust it, of those who sometimes criticise it, of those who look at it from afar without understanding it” said Alicia Combaz, CEO and Co-founder of Indeed, EurHope bridges the gap between citizens, decision-makers, and institutions, thereby empowering individuals to take an active role in shaping the future of Europe.

Those direct engagement channels are paramount in the fight against disinformation. Indeed, according to a Policy Recommendation of the Committee of Regions, “the fight against disinformation must be rooted in cooperation among many different institutions”. It is rightfully highlighted that participatory tools are one way amongst other to tackle disinformation. When citizens are better connected with decision-makers and institutions, they are more likely to seek out reliable information and critically evaluate content, actively participating in fact-checking and countering disinformation. Citizen engagement and safe democratic online spaces can serve as a stronghold against disinformation.

In the context of safeguarding democratic processes, EurHope plays a crucial role by providing a trusted, first-hand source of European political forces’ positions on young people’s priorities. Through the platform, the reactions of European political parties to the priorities outlined in the Agenda of Hope are published, offering citizens a reliable source of information. This transparent and authentic dialogue empowers citizens to make informed decisions and actively participate in shaping the future of Europe.

This campaign has used Hope as a power, to reconnect youth with their common share, by engaging young citizens to vote and protecting elections. It embodies the power of collective action, fostering mobilisation and empowerment, while also combatting disinformation. By uniting citizens, decision-makers, and institutions, EurHope works towards a brighter and more informed future for Europe.