AI and Democracy

Launch of an Open Consultation to Engage Citizens, Academics, and Civil Society Around the World for the Upcoming AI Action Summit

AI and Democracy

Launch of an Open Consultation to Engage Citizens, Academics, and Civil Society Around the World for the Upcoming AI Action Summit

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Launched by Sciences Po (Technology and Global Affairs Innovation Hub, PSIA), the AI & Society Institute, The Future Society, CNNum, and, in partnership with the French Presidency, the online consultation will gather insights on how AI governance can serve the public interest as world leaders prepare to meet in France in February

Civil society organizations, academics, and individuals are invited to participate in a landmark consultation to support and strengthen the AI Action Summit, which will be held in Paris in February 2025. 

As the ongoing artificial intelligence (AI) revolution transforms jobs, health, culture, economies, and more across every region of the world, global governance that reflects collective deliberation is crucial. In February 2025, the  AI Action Summit, on the initiative of French President Emmanuel Macron, will bring together the world's institutions, governments, and experts in France to draw up an ambitious framework for concrete responses to major challenges.

In order to widely involve civil society and the academic community in the work of the Summit, Sciences Po (Technology and Global Affairs Innovation Hub, PSIA), the AI & Society Institute, The Future Society, CNNum, and have launched an online consultation. A summary of the contributions received will be made public and presented in December 2024 to the Summit organizers. 

The consultation is open for participation in English or French from September 18 to November 15. There are two ways of contributing to the work of the AI Action Summit: 

  • For citizens and civil society: An interactive online debate for citizens to submit and vote on ideas for putting AI in service of the general interest 👉  
  • For academic experts, research institutes, and civil society organizations: A platform to submit written contributions on the Summit's key themes 👉
Constance de Leusse, Incoming Executive Director, affiliated with Sciences Po and the AI & Society Institute, ENS PSL: "More than just a technology, AI will shape our collective future. This consultation is an unprecedented opportunity for academics and citizens to contribute to creating a framework that will put AI at the service of all while preserving our values and freedoms.”
Nicolas Moës, Executive Director of The Future Society: “The AI Action Summit is a critical moment for our world leaders to take action on global governance of artificial intelligence. To create responsible and effective policies, they need to consider public opinion and ideas. Through this joint consultation, we are lifting up the vital voices of citizens, civil society, and experts on AI’s capabilities, risks, and impact.
Jean Cattan, General Secretary of the Conseil National du Numérique: “This consultation is a call to go further, to include the populations concerned ever more fully in the development and deployment of digital technologies. That's how we'll reduce the many risks they entail, just as we'll increase our chances of putting them to work in the general interest.” 
Axel Dauchez, President and Co-Founder of “Opening up the upstream phase of the AI Summit to as many people as possible is a democratic turning point. is proud to put its consultation platform at the service of scientists, civil society, and citizens to give them a voice at the AI Summit. We need to identify consensus in order to move towards the sustainable use of AI”. 

Access the consultation here.

A consulation supported by AXA and Capgemini Invent.

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