
[#WeEuropeans]A citizen quiz to help you to vote more informed in the European elections!


[#WeEuropeans]A citizen quiz to help you to vote more informed in the European elections!

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The civic initiative WeEuropeans has revealed the 10 priorities of European citizens for the future of Europe, and asked the main political parties to take a position on this Citizens' Agenda. Find out more about their commitments, and how close you are to a particular party, using the Citizen Voting Guide on the WeEuropeans.eu platform.

With the European elections just a few days away, how can you find your way through the mass of party programmes? A citizen quiz will help you to get a clearer picture before the vote on May 26.

At the beginning of 2019, the civic initiative  WeEuropeans asked 38 million Europeans about the future of Europe. From the largest consultation ever organised on this scale, 10 proposals emerged by 10 European citizens and voted across the European Union. They establish the Citizens' Agenda, the real priorities of Europeans for the future.

After presenting this Citizens' Agenda on March 22 at the European Parliament in Brussels, WeEuropeans submitted these proposals to the main political parties in the 27 EU countries. For each of these proposals, the parties were invited to take a position (agree/disagree) and to indicate their concrete commitments to implement the citizens' will.

Presentation of the Citizens' Agenda, March 22, at the European Parliament in Brussels.

Since May 14, a Citizen Voting Guide quiz has been helping voters to choose their candidates based on the priorities set out in the Citizen Agenda. For each of the 10 Citizen Proposals, select the political answers that you think are the best. This will show you how close you are to a particular party, to vote informed on 26 May.

In France, the first 6 major parties in the polls (La République En Marche!, Rassemblement national, Les Républicains, La France insoumise, Europe Écologie-Les Verts and the Envie d'Europe list led by the Socialist Party, the Place Publique movement, Nouvelle Donne and the Parti Radical de Gauche) have officially taken a stance on the Citizens' Agenda. You can find their reactions and proposals, as well as a more in-depth analysis, on the  weeuropeans.eu platform.