
Who will you vote for in the 2024 European elections? On, discover European political parties’ responses to youth priorities for Europe


Who will you vote for in the 2024 European elections? On, discover European political parties’ responses to youth priorities for Europe

Share this article and JEF Europe proudly unveiled It is the first pan-European, multilingual platform to inform young people about the 2024 European Elections with first hand responses from European political parties. is built on the foundation of the EurHope consultation which gathered 1.5 million votes and 5.000 proposals.

Our platform provides an overview on the parties’ positions in 22 languages, aligned on the consensual priorities of young voters. EurHope invited European political parties with 10 or more seats in the European Parliament (as of February 2024) to submit their responses. To increase accessibility, each contribution was limited to 500 characters.  At, the answers are now made them accessible to a broader audience in an easy and user friendly way in 22 languages. 

Moreover, we are drawing on the unique triangle between citizens, parties and civil society by also including the reactions to the 15 points of a diversity of civil society organisations working in cooperation with JEF Europe. will be the central point of the more than 10.000 JEF campaigners on the streets all over Europe in the hot phase of the European election campaigns. Given the multilingual aspect of the tool, citizens can inform themselves in their local language and understand better who represents their views best.

The platform will also be promoted by the 50+ EurHope partners, who will integrate it with their election communication strategies. By doing so, we want to increase the number of citizens reached with the platform. Having a reliable, first hand source of information on political party positions marks an extremely valuable and democratic contribution to the election discourse.

The EurHope campaign, a collaborative effort that united over 1.5 million voices and 5,000 proposals from youth across all 27 EU countries, culminated in the launch of the innovative EurHope platform. On 8 May, we released the European political parties’ reactions to the 15 priorities identified by young citizens across member states. 

From May 9th to September 30th, 2023, young people from across Europe engaged in a multilingual consultation, answering one important question: “What are your ideas for building together a Europe that can respond to future challenges ?”. Their votes helped shape the Agenda of Hope, 15 priorities unanimously supported by young Europeans, paving the way for the upcoming European elections. In response to this youth engagement, the EurHope platform was created to amplify this citizen-driven agenda.

With this tool, we aspire to achieve EurHope's ultimate objective: engaging young Europeans ahead of the 2024 elections. Our aim is to empower young citizens to exercise their right to vote and actively shape the future of Europe!