Joined the Call for Inclusive Global Governance Joined the Call for Inclusive Global Governance

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In September 2024, signed an open letter calling on UN Member States to implement essential measures, such as a Global Citizens’ Assembly and a World Citizens’ Initiative, to ensure that every voice is heard in global governance. The diverse coalition of organisations is led by We The Peoples.

As the United Nations convened the Summit of the Future on September 22-23, 2024, world leaders gathered to address pressing challenges and forge a consensus on strengthening the UN’s capacity to tackle global issues. For many years, has been at the forefront of advocating for inclusive and open governance by actively promoting participatory democracy and empowering citizens to engage in the decision-making processes that shape their lives.

In this spirit, stands alongside a strong coalition of over 200 civil society groups and 130 members of parliament advocating for more inclusive and accountable global governance. We proudly endorsed an open letter calling on UN Member States to support essential measures aimed at empowering citizens and ensuring their voices are heard.

The letter reflects a broader coalition’s commitment to transforming how global institutions operate. It emphasises the urgent need for mechanisms that allow for direct citizen engagement, which is essential for rebuilding trust in multilateral systems. Key proposals include establishing a Global Citizens’ Assembly and a World Citizens’ Initiative, both designed to give ordinary citizens a meaningful role in global affairs.

The Call for Action: an Open Letter to UN Member States

In a world increasingly marked by interconnected crises—ranging from climate change to social inequality—the imperative for inclusive governance has never been clearer. As the stakes rise, it is essential that citizens are not only heard but actively involved in shaping the decisions that impact their lives and communities. This call for participation transcends borders and demands that global institutions adapt to ensure that the voices of all people are integral to the decision-making process.

The open letter articulates the urgent need for inclusive mechanisms at the UN level. It emphasises four priority measures that are critical for enhancing participation and representation:

  1. A permanent Global Citizens’ Assembly
  2. A World Citizens’ Initiative
  3. A UN Parliamentary Assembly
  4. A UN Civil Society Envoy

Next Generation Citizens’ Panels

In alignment with our advocacy for inclusive global governance, the Next Generation Citizens’ Panels are designed to facilitate broad consultations before engaging smaller groups in focused discussions. This innovative method gathers input from millions of citizens through online platforms, allowing them to express their views on pressing global issues, thereby fostering a sense of ownership among participants.

Our recent project in Germany—Forum against Fakes—exemplifies this approach. We conducted a large-scale consultation prior to the Citizens’ Convention, shaping the participants' work. During the convention, we used our dialogue and consultation platforms to maintain a vital link between the citizens involved and the broader public, reinforcing transparency and ongoing engagement.

Once key priorities are established, smaller workshops or citizen panels delve deeper into the findings. These groups can then re-engage with the public through our dialogue platform, inviting feedback to refine their proposals further. This iterative process ensures that citizen input remains central throughout the decision-making journey, aligning perfectly with the open letter's call for more direct citizen engagement in global governance.

Together, we can ensure that global governance is not just a top-down process but a collaborative and open effort that includes the voices of citizens worldwide.