About Make.org

Who are we

Make.org is a neutral and independent civic tech organization whose mission is to engage people in the positive transformation of society.

Our digital participation solutions

We strengthen our democracies by using innovation, building technology and methodologies. Our teams draw, shape and build democratic methods and infrastructure that enables citizen participation in public decision-making, increase democratic resilience, identify societal consensus and stay easily informed: tech for democracy in practice.
To fulfill our mission, Make.org has developed a participatory approach that enables millions of people to collaborate. We aim to engage the broader public, as well as experts and specific stakeholders. Together, they develop action based on the knowledge of the many.

We believe that collective action is essential to act in the public interest and helps to ensure that civic issues are given a place in public debate and prioritized at the political level.
"We are convinced that collective action is key for acting in the public interest. It contributes to ensuring that civic issues find a place in the public debate and are prioritised at the political level."

Alicia Combaz & Axel Dauchez, Make.org Founders
Start a project with us

Our social impact


million participants

have been activated in
our projects so far.



were proposed by citizens directly
to decision-makers.


non-profit actions funded

by Make.org Foundation.



were invovled in our projects
to act together for a better future.

Our funding

Make.org is a mission-driven company that simultaneously aims to.

Make.org is constantly working to find a balance between these two objectives and has developed a business model that is compatible and aligned with its social vocation, as well as ensuring its economic viability.

Our ethical charter

Make.org's activities are based on the values of neutrality, independence and transparency. Our principles are expressed in our ethics charter and confirmed, as well as monitored by an independent ethics council.

Make.org is also committed to protecting the personal data of all participants and to ensuring the accessibility of our online participation tools. All our team members and servers are located in Europe (France) and we comply with European law.